ECSP Location

Chippokes State Park

We are very excited to be partnering with the rangers at Chippokes. This location has great horizons in every direction. The sky is almost as dark as it was in Coinjock, NC but the company is even more enjoyable.

Camping/observing field is within sight of the Chippokes Jones-Stewart Mansion

695 Chippokes Park Rd3

Surry, VA, 23883

Field south of barn, Plantation Rd, Surry, VA 23883

Open the map below and select "BBAA - ECSP" from the "All Locations" list. If you want to get directions there will be an option available. In the description box you can click the link and open up a detailed map of the observing field for the ECSP.

Located near Surry Courthouse and Colonial Williamsburg

Description provided from Virginia DWR

Chippokes Plantation State Park’s 1,948 acres combines dense woodlands overlooking the James River with a historic site consisting of one of the oldest continually farmed properties in the country. The park’s natural habitats include tidal marshes and sloughs, stands of loblolly pine, mixed hardwood forest, and bald cypress swamp. During spring, the site offers views of migrating hawks as they pass by the bluffs near the visitor center. The most popular birding spot in the park is probably the College Run Trail that begins just east of the visitor center. Some of the park’s more interesting birds include least bittern, sharp-shinned and red-shouldered hawks, king rail, bald eagle, and more than 20 species of breeding and migrating warblers.

Cultivated lands within the park are foraging sites for eastern bluebird, migrating shorebirds, and several species of raptors. Upon reaching the Mansion site, two trails, the James River Trail and the Lower Chippokes Trail, provide access to tidal wetlands. During summer, guided canoe tours are available on the park’s tidal creek. Those who do not wish to bird from the water will see numerous birds along the park’s roads and trails. By walking along the shoreline, visitors can view an array of fossils of creatures that once lived at the bottom of prehistoric seas.

The park is also a popular spot for cycling. Stop by the park’s visitor center to pick up a trail map.

Distance from observing field to campground. (1.5 miles)